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Thursday, January 27, 2011


It went scary when the goverments have putted your limit of time (or means : your time to death)
A place, somewhere, that bears a strong resemblance in history and environment to Japan. Its return to prosperity after defeat in war is due to a certain law, a pillar of the state. This is the Special Law for the Maintenance of National Prosperity. 24 hours before this capsule is to bring about death, an official of the Ministry of Health and Welfare brings a letter announcing impending death, an ikigami. Those who receive this ikigami letter have 24 hours of absolute freedom to do anything and everything they want. Kengo Fujimoto has made his way through university and taken a job with the Ministry. His work now is delivering these ikigami letters.
Dear Citizen: Thank you for your loyalty. You've no doubt noticed that the world is a troubled place. People are apathetic, lazy, unmotivated. You've probably asked yourself
Rest assured that measures are being taken. Beginning immediately, we will randomly select a different citizen each who will be killed within 24 hours of notification. We believe this will help remind all people how precious life is and how important it is to be a productive, active member of society.
Thank you for your continued attention and your cooperation and participation... (source :

This movie was released on September 27, 2008, and directed by Tomoyuki Takimoto.

I thought Japan was the bunker of comics rite? hahaha. This movie was based on original comic with the same title 'ikigami'. And before i watch the movie, i didnt read the comic first. But i guess it wouldnt be that hard to understand the story tho u're not reading it first. It was easy-flowing story.
It is a story about government new policy about how they want to the citizen realize how important life is and how to be a productive member of society, instead of lazying around. Within the story on the movie, the government chosen Tsubasa Tanabe (a singer), Naoki Takizawa (a psychotic teenager), and Satoshi Izuka (a nomad of job in order to fulfill his sister's life). 
The story is lead by Kengo Fujimoto as the messenger man from the government to the person who was elected to be the death. Kengo himself was not sure about his job, and began to stressing himself because of his cruel job. He began to betray the government by helping Satoshi Izuka to fulfill his last wishes for his sister, which is illegal for Kengo to feel sympathic and get in touch with the life of the client he hold. After that, he also helping his client Naoki Takizawa, a psychotic teenager who wants to kill his own mother, by (again) touching the life of the person who was elected to die.
But there is one person who was giving him the first 'wake up call' to convince him that the policy and his job itself is not right. A singer Tsubasa Tanabe, sang his last 'wishes to life' on a song called 'michisirube' or means 'signpost'. Here's the song so you can a bit imagine about the story, because i think this song is tellin you the whole story of the movie.


Three scenes of the people who had chosen to die : (1) Tsubasa Tanabe, (2) Naoki Takizawa, (3) Satoshi Izuka
Tho the creepy policy to send the citizen to die, and the very stressful Kengo Fujimoto with his job. This movie is a tearful one, alongside the touching story of the three people who had chosen to be the death, which is said by the government as 'serving the country'.

Overall : 
Storyline :  , 5 (3.5) of 5
Acting    : ,75 (3.75) of 5

Trailer :


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