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Sunday, January 23, 2011

When I Turned Nine

" A Story of An Unforgettable First Love "
Synopsis :
The film talks about Baek Yeo-min (Kim Seok), a thoughtful and matured nine-year old boy's life during the 1970s in Korea. During a school punishment he meets a new haughty girl named Jang Woo-rim (Lee Se-yeong) and at first they both don't like each other, but soon a path of love connects them both together. Trying to help his one-eyed mother after noticing a pair of expensive glasses in a store, Yeo-min decides to make his own money by getting a job as an ice-cream boy, selling ice cream and doing chores until his mother notices the money he made and punishes Yeo-min, saying that he shouldn't have made money from his summer jobs. For many months they were best friends, but their romance path is broken when she has to move back to Seoul to meet her father once again. The night before she departed, Yeo-min gave her a surprise by kissing her on the cheek and ran away. Although both of them could not see each other again, they still remember each other and Yeo-min notices a present given to him from Woo-rim- a pair of glasses for his mother, noticing how guilty he first looked in the beginning. Yeo-min was surprised when Woo-rim told him that she was actually in love with him. Walking away with his friends into the snow at the end of the movie, he looks back with a glum expression on his face. (source :
This movie was published by the year of 2004, and directed by Yun In-ho

Review :
At the beginning of the story, im kinda irritated with the character Jang Woo-rim as the leading women on the movie. I was kinda angry because she was really a 'spoil kids', while the main character, Baek Yeo-min,   always defend her in any case. But then, when i slowly watch and watch till the half part of it ~ im starting to get teary beacuse of the story. I never thought it would be that sad. I mean, it is really an unpredictable story. And the best 'teary part' is at the end of the movie when Yeo-min got a goodbye gift' from Woo-rim. And the gift is really really unexpected. And my point is : tho its a bit irritating at the begining, but please not to stop watch till the end! because you really cant imagine the ending would be that beautiful. It is really a good story of a first love.

Overall :
Storyline :    (3) of 5
Acting    : ★  ★,5 (3.5) of 5

Trailer :


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