Love Greetings from the Author

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Love Wind Love Song

"A love that bonds with a cross-cultural relationships"
Sinopsis : 
With a mysterious motive in mind, emotionally fragile Seoul businessman Tae-hie decides to take a short break in the romantic island of Cheju. Not long after reaching his destination, Tae-hie foils a bag-snatch outside the airport and subsequently comes into contact with lonely tour guide Young-seo. Despite their respective emotional baggage, the pair quickly become friends and decide to spend some time together touring Cheju and the other outlying islands. Young-soo soon nurses an affection for the quiet and mild-mannered visitor, but finds her companion far more cautious about how he feels. The potential relationship reaches a stand-still when Tae-hi's real reason for visiting Cheju becomes clear and Young-soo is left wondering what is really under his phlegmatic surface. (source :
This movie was released on  February 13, 1999. And directed by  Dae-yeong Park

Review : 
This movie was released on 1999. Tho its kinda old, but i watch this movie at the year of 2008. And i guess, this was one of the most 'promising' romantic movie ever. Why it should be name as 'promising'? its simply because i really hate to watch such a cheesy romantic movie, with plots that u already know the ending. But this one is definitely not. With the main cast that played by a very well-known actor Jang Dong Gun as Tae-hie and Ko So Young as Yong-Seo~ i mean, if its played by Jang Dong Gun.. then it will be good huh? i really got attract first to watch this when i know he played on it. Beside that fact, the whole movie plot is very unique, from the relationship that first started when tae-hie visited cheju island and met Yong-Seo as her tour-guide. The love starting to fluttered between the fact that Tae-hie is a 'land-man' or 'a man from a big city' that known as a lover by the people of a small town named Cheju. It is a cross-cultural relationships and i will give a point : THIS ONE REALLY ROMANTIC ! :))


Overall : 
Storyline :  (4) of 5
Acting    :   (4)  of 5

Trailer :


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