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Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Sky Crawlers

Kirudore, they were designed to live in adolescence to die-young and being produce again by the cloning.
Synopsis :
The Sky Crawlers is set in an alternate history where, although the world is at peace, in order to ease the tension of a populace accustomed to war and aggression, private corporations contract fighter pilots to stage combat operations against each other for show. The film introduces a mystery involving characters called Kildren (キルドレ Kirudore /"kill-dolls"?), humanoids genetically designed to live eternally in adolescence until shot down in air battles presented commercially for entertainment, after which they are reproduced by cloning. (source :
This movie is based on a novel with the same tittle "the sky crawlers" that written by Hiroshi Mori. And the movie itself is directed by Mamoru Oshii, and was published on August 2, 2008.

Review :
When i watch this, honestly i was expecting too much because it wons a lot of award outside and inside the publisher country, Japan. And when i watch this i started to curling my forehead. why? it is because the story itself is heavy and there's lot of silence scene on the movie that makes me thing, what was that for?. If you really wanna understand the whole plot, please stay at your TV to watch the whole movie and not even left a part of it. Because you really have to watch every single scene to understand the flow of the story.
Beside of that, lots of people that have watched this before me said that it has a TERRIFIC air battles scene with high-technic computing or whatever it is called. And well yes that is true ! the graphic of the animation is great ! tho the story kinda make you curling your forehead, but it is really paid off with the terrific graphic scenes.
And i will give a point : tho people think that it some kinda fighting movie with air battles scene or what (if you see the tittle of it). Basically, it is about a love story that bonds between the fact that they are a kirudore that lives in adolescence to die young. It is a love story between the two main character, which is Kirudore, Yuichi kannami and Suito Kusanagi. 
And please wacth the whole movie to understand the story :))

Overall :
Strotyline  :    (3) of 5
Animation  ★ ★,5 (4.5) of 5

Trailer :


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